Wednesday 16 March 2011

Calling all Facebook Fanatics!

Fifteen signs it's time to quit Facebook (Image © Dominic Lipinski/PA Archive/Press Association Images)

MSN, the Microsoft Network, published "15 signs its time to quit Facebook" today. Are you a certified Facebook addict? There's only one way to find out...

We all know that one person; the Facebook friend who can't go for more than a few minutes without telling the world, or at least their long-suffering Facebook pals exactly what's happening in their life. Whether they're detailing the every minute of their day, showing off with posts about some random band you've never heard of, or spamming the world with pictures of themselves in the latest mirror in their home. They are the people with the least to say but the people who spend the most time saying it.

It's an affliction like any other, this kind of Facebook addiction, and if you're concerned that you may be falling prey to it, then read on because these 15 most common signs of Facebook addiction, as discovered by msn, could be you. Answering "yes, that's me" or nodding along to most of this list will perhaps mean it's time to step away from the monitor, so lets take a look...

1. Updating your status multiple times a day.

Oh hello Facebook friend who uses their status updates as though we're their "dear diary". Yes- updating so many times a day is a sign of Facebook addiction Facebookers! Unless something huge or so-hilariously-funny-it-must-be-shared happens in your life, your Facebook friends will probably be ok to get status updates from you once or maybe twice a day. But if your that one that's started sharing what's going on in your life on the hour, every hour, people might just get a bit sick of hearing from you. Want to give us a blow-by-blow account of you life?-that's what Twitter's for.

2. You get unnecessarily angry when Facebook changes. 

I may be a little guilty of this one myself. But to the hot headed technically non-functional Facebooker (hello mum!) These are the people that update their status angrily when Facebook makes a few tweaks to its format or simply can't make head-nor-tail of the new layout. Okay- not so bad, you say? Well if you find yourself discussing why on earth Facebook can make a "like" button and not a "love" button down the pub with your friends, then it's definitely time to give it a break.

3. You've ever written 'first'.

We're not sure where the idea came from that you got special kudos for commenting on something first, but just for the record - you don't. In fact, doing it repeatedly is more likely to get you booted off your friends' lists quicker than you can say, well, 'first'.

4. You've created a separate account for your baby/cat/plant.

Let's break this down - if you create an account for someone, or something, that can't actually use it, you're going to be the one updating it. This is in one word...crazy. But lets say it'll start innocently enough, a couple of status updates here and there 'in character'. Maybe a few wall posts. But then before you know it, you'll be having full blown conversations with yourself between your real and fake profiles. That's the first sign of madness these days, don't you know? Step away from the laptop loon.

You've created a separate account for your baby/cat/favourite plant (Microsoft)

5. You 'check in' everywhere.

Here's the deal with this newest craze, Facebook Places are great when you're 'checking in' places of interest, places your friends might be interested to know you've been. What it's not great for is letting people know you're at the local supermarket doing your weekly shop, cuddled on the sofa with your "princess" or at home watching TV. Frankly, no one cares. 

6. You haven't seen your "other half" recently.

Facebook was recently found to be a factor in one in five divorces, and we're sure the figures are even higher for relationship break-ups. If you've not seen your other half in a while, you might want to make sure they aren't filing the divorce papers and packing their bags while you're busy updating your statuses or uploading your newest photos of "what I did in Butlins."

7. You take pictures of yourself.

We all have that Facebooker- the one who's photos get secretly linked in in-box messages to your mates. Are you guilty of posing in front of your camera? And even worse: posting it as your profile photo? This is a sign of S.V.B - seriously vain behaviour, a condition contracted from extended use of Facebook. MSN say the best course of treatment is to go out with your mates, take your camera and enjoy flicking through the photos afterwards. Make some REAL Kodak moments.

8. You check Facebook from your Phone while on Holiday.

The sun is shining, you're on an exotic beach somewhere and you've forked out all your hard-earned cash to get away from it all. Why then, pray tell, would you be checking Facebook from your phone? This is addiction at its most devastating - not only will you miss out on chunks of your holiday with your face in your phone and risk the chance of phone shaped tan marks but when the roaming charges land on your next bill, you'll need to take out a loan to pay them off.

9. You speak to your best friend on Facebook more than in real life.

The biggest downer to Facebook, its reliance to talk to friends. Gone are the days of the phone call. Do your friendships a favour, close down the chat box and hit the pub with your mates.

10. You'd forget your friends birthdays if it wasn't for Facebook reminders.

Remember before the days of Facebook, when you wrote birthdays, important dates and events in a calendar or diary? If Facebook now runs your social life, telling you when to say 'happy birthday' and when you're going where, you could run into a pickle when you can't access it for some reason.

11. You've started friend farming.

Yes- you know who you are. Let's get one thing straight - the number of Facebook friends you have is not directly proportionate to your popularity in the real world. If you're finding yourself getting upset that you haven't had a friend request in a few hours, or that your next door neighbour-cat woman has more Facebook friends than you, it's probably time to move away from the keyboard and get some face-to-face time with your real-life friends.

12. You've taken out a loan to cover you farm ville/fish world/mafia habit.

Stop flooding our feeds with the news that you just bought a new sheep, but you've probably spent a fair bit of dough on it in the process. If your bank balance is starting to see the effects of your addiction, you might want to think about reining it in a bit, and spending your cash on something away from your computer, in the real world.

13. You've updated your status while sat on the loo.

Who does this? Really? There are some things that can just wait, and one of those is status updating. If you've ever found yourself coming up with something you just have to share with the world while sitting on the loo, put the phone down and wait until you're back at your computer. Of course, if you've taken your computer with you, well that's a whole different level of addiction you need to address...

14. You've started oversharing.

Yes the diary-logger again...Facebook isn't your agony aunt, ok? You shouldn't be broadcasting how horrible your break-up was or how much you hate certain "friend" on your profile. Nobody really wants to read it. Of course there is the other end of the scale - are you one of those couples who feel the need to express their love for each other at every possible opportunity? Save it for each other, don't broadcast your gag-worth affections to poor Facebook singletons.

15. When you're out you're wondering what's happening on Facebook.

It should go without saying that when you're with your friends, your mind should not be on Facebook. So if you're finding yourself getting a nervous tic when you've been away from Facebook for more than a few hours, you definitely need to quit. You can rest safe in the knowledge that all the news, comments and photos will be there when you get home, stalk at your hearts content.

Thank you MSN for easing my mind that I am not a Facebook addict! But for all of you addicts out there take a break from the statuses once in a while, stop clicking refresh on your feed-nothing will change! And you really should stop stalking that person now...



thechefworechanel said...

I think it's fair to say that I belong to each of these categories.
*Gets back in damp hole*

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