Sunday 16 October 2011

10 Things I Didn't Know Last Week!

Inspired by Harry Hills "I certainly didn't expect to see that" segment on his TV phenomenon "TV Burp" I've  decided to put together a short blog on 10 news stories I've seen over the last week that, well, I'd have to have seen it to believe it!

1. You can age 50 years in a matter of days!
Vietnamese 20-something, Nguyen Thi Phuong, now looks like a septugenarian after the rapid aging affliction took hold following an allergic reaction to seafood. The 26 year old looks far her superior as the seafood sank her skin to OAP status. The syndrome with no cure leaves its victims, like Nguyen, with loose folds of skin all over the body, a wrinkled face and the gaunt features of someone decades their senior.
Read the story:

(L-R) Nguyen Thi Phuong, aged 21 and how she looks now, aged 26, after having suffered an allergic reaction to seafood

2. Piranhas can talk too!
Piranhas seem to bark more than they bite as researchers reveal that these ferocious fish make noises to communicate with one another, including barks and croaks.
Read the Story:

3. 1 in 6 Mobiles have poo particles on them!
New research has found that one in every six mobile phones has dangerous bacteria that comes from poo on them. Research showed that poor hygiene meant phones were poo-ridden.
Read the story:

4. Penguins rescued from Oil Slicks get Knitted Jumpers.
Its important for the distressed birds to be warm & happy, so the do-gooders wrap them up in little knitted numbers for a nights rest before the big clean.
Read the story:

5. You too can become a local Celeb with odd shaped vegetation!
 A Chinese farmer has become the talk of the town after unearting a quaint tortoise shaped potato.
Read the story:

6. Blondes may be more fun- but brunettes make better friends and spouses.
Over 1/3 of the female population believe brunettes make better friends and get further up the career ladder and 80 per cent of females reckon brunettes make more faithful wives.
Read more:

7. Sex can wipe your memory!
It seems there is "too much of a good thing" between the sheets, as scientists cite a woman who lost all recollection of the last 24 hours after doing the dirty.
Read more:

8. Meerkats really are social animals.
Researchers studying the nation-loved meerkat in the Kalahari Desert, South Africa, played recordings of meerkat calls and observed the animals' reactions. They put it that the mascot recognise another member of their social group by the sound of their voice, according to scientists.
Read more:

9. Gorillaz need their 5-a-day too.
One hungry primate stole his family's entire supply of carrots and hiding in a corner gorged himself on his 5-a-day. 
Read more:

10. Jodie Marsh is now a body builder.
A far cry from her "glamour" model days Jodie flexed her muscles last week and showed the new her.
See more:
Jodie Marsh, 2011 (Pic: DMAX)



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