Tuesday 19 July 2011

Police lose their Marbles and Murdoch eats Humble Pie!

Rupert Murdoch, the Chairman of News Corp, was attacked by a custard pie-welding protester (and loon) during his appearance before MPs today over the phone hacking scandal.

Yes-"comedian" Jonnie Marbles launched into the committee room during the phone hacking hearing in the British parliament today, with a custard pie to be delivered to Rupert Murdoch’s face.

While attending the important Parliamentary hearing on allegations against the mogul's now-defunct News of the World newspaper, media titan Rupert Murdoch was served up a large helping of humble pie and as protester Mr Marbles was allowed to run free and commit the crime it seems the Police have gone a little bit marbles too.

Shortly before the attack, the perpetrator outed himself on Twitter. "It is a far better thing that I do now than I have ever done before #splat," tweeted "Jonnie Marbles", whose real name is Jonathan May-Bowles.
On his @JonnieMarbles Twitter account, May-Bowles identifies himself as an "Activist, comedian, father figure and all-round nonsense". And on his "Jonnie Marbles" Facebook page, May-Bowles posted a cartoon in which one character says to another, "You know how some people consider 'may you have an interesting life' a curse? - F*** those people. Wanna have an adventure?" Yes- what a father figure and what an adventure Mr Marbles- congrats on clowning up and turning this phone hacking scandal into an official circus. And less – we – forget- you successfully assaulted an 80 year old man today- well done you sad excuse for a comedian.

Pie-throwing has been a famous form of protest throughout the years, with former New York City mayor Abe Beame, ex-CIA chief William Colby, California Gov. Jerry Brown and gay rights opponent Anita Bryant all receiving the treatment. And now Murdoch can be added to that list.
But perhaps its not all bad- Murdoch confessed he felt “humbled” today after his slice of the pie. Suit jacket removed (after the pie travesty) Murdoch called this the “most humble day of his life.” And Murdochs wife Wendi Murdoch, a champion volleyball player, hasn’t lost her touch. Wendis left hook against the marauding pie-bearer proved that behind every great man theres a great woman.



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