Saturday 4 June 2011

Operation Cupcake.

Tyler Anderson / National Post

Butter, sugar, flower, eggs, a touch of baking powder and a glaze of icing sugar: all the key ingredients for...a bomb?

Hackers working for British intelligence agency MI6 recently modified an Al-Qaeda online magazine and replaced their recipe for bombs with confectionery recipes from Ellen Degeneres show's best cupcakes in America. MI6 dubbed the cyberattack "operation cupcake."

Yes-when followers tried to download the 67-page colour magazine, instead of instructions about how to “Make a bomb in the Kitchen of your Mom” by “The AQ Chef” they were greeted with a very different kind of recipe.

British intelligence removed all content on bomb recreation and articles by former ring-leader Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda figure head Ayman al-Zawahiri and instead left their mark in the form of cupcakes. Yumm- nice work MI6.

As for Ellen's list my cake loving readers the treats sound mouth wateringly good. 

The owners of Main Street Cupcakes were shaken but not stirred after finding out British intelligence used one of their popular Mohito cupcakes as a weapon in the war on terror. This beauty is made of white rum cake and draped in vanilla buttercream. You heard me alcohol and cake..its your lucky day I'd say bomb-seekers. No better mouth explosion than that.

Mega cupcake from The Chocolate Moose bakery Greenville SC

Warning: Sugar rush ahead! This Rocky Road chart-topping cupcake claims to be "the sweetest taste in Charleston" and after even just one bite of their ultra cute concoctions, you won't argue. They say it'll tempt your sweet tooth, a dark chocolate cupcake with chocolate-marshmallow icing and garnished with chopped almonds. Oh my!

British Intelligence really cooked up a storm with this one. Cupcake recipes to substitute the terrorist acts. However a lovely gesture boys and genuinely sweet tooth heaven- yes it really isnt the biggest achievement in the great scheme of things..The cherry on the cake MI6 would be keeping terror at bay.

Now..I have an Apple Danish with my name on it..mmmmm...



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