Tuesday 14 June 2011

Once a rapist always a rapist?

Anne's husband abused a young girl
The Government announced today (after much dispute) that thousands of sex offenders, including rapists and paedophiles, will be able to apply to be removed from the sex crimes register under human rights laws.

A Supreme Court ruling forced the Government reluctantly to draw up new rules allowing those serious sex offenders put on the register for life to have their place on the list reconsidered. The new rules were drawn up because the Supreme Court ruled that automatic lifetime inclusion on the register breached the Human Rights Act.
So-under current rules, anyone sentenced to more than 2years in jail for a sexual offence is put on the register for life on release. Those on the register are monitored by police and visited regularly by officers. Home Office estimates that there are about 44,000 people on the register, with over half of them for life.

Under the proposed rules, adults listed for life could apply for removal after 15 years. Their cases would be considered by police and probation officers. 

The Home Office estimated that the change would mean more than 2,000 people a year would be eligible to seek a review. Offenders whose applications are rejected will have to wait another eight years before being able to seek another assessment.

In my eyes adults who sexually abuse children should stay on the offenders register for life as we will never be sure their behaviour will change. No amount of litter picking or college courses will ultimately guarantee the offender is on the straight and narrow- so to speak. Sex offenders are after all criminals. Why these people are allowed to use human rights laws to protect themselves when their victims had no protection against them is beyond!
Through basic research on sex offenders on the media agenda its clear that a new sexual offence is brought into media limelight every other day. These are just the ones brought to our attention. There are vast numbers of sex offenders- to think the government will just allow these people to walk away from crimes practically scot-free is deplorable when victims are left scathed.
This is one journo saying black marks by names should stay.


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